Expertise and strategic areas of excellence

The economy of Eurométropole Metz is characterised by several strategic areas of excellence:

"Art & Tech"

It’s an identity marker for Eurométropole Metz, highlighting the meeting of the Arts (Centre Pompidou-Metz, Cité Musicale de Metz, Musée de la Cour d’Or, Opera-Theatre...) and Technology (Bliiida, Campus Technologie Européen, Métropole French Tech East, Constellations Festival).

The city cultivates excellence through this “Art & Tech” label, regarding:

  • Technology and innovation, at the heart of the Campus Technologique Européen, the French Tech ecosystem and the expertise of large local businesses (Stellantis, ThyssenKrupp, Usines Claas, etc.)
  • Digital technology, whose development and uses the city is supporting by placing the LORnTECH start-up ecosystem and its BLIIIDA totem building at the heart of its digital strategy in particular.
  • Creative and cultural industries (goods, services and activities with cultural, artistic or heritage-based content), a strong sector with 2,600 employees, particularly supported by the cultural facilities in Metz, associations, businesses and even the BLIIIDA building.
  • Architecture, 3,000 years of history have forged a profound character in and around Metz, complete with many famous contemporary architectural names (Shigeru Ban, Jean-Michel Wilmotte, Portzamparc, Paul Chemetov, Nicolas Michelin, and soon Philippe Starck).

The facilities and their transformation

The industry is symbolised by the “Vallée des Matériaux et des Procédés” (Valley of Materials and Processes), and represents 1,200 businesses, 54,000 employees and a turnover of more than 10 billion euros. Metz has considerable advantages with the presence of an academic and technological ecosystem, representing a considerable force for training, ingenuity and expertise in the field that is centred around the Pôle de Compétitivité Materalia (Materalia Competitiveness Cluster). This leading cluster for collaborative innovation in the Materials and Processes sector is located in the heart of the Campus Technologique de l'Eurométropole de Metz (Eurométropole Metz Technology Campus) and brings together more than 140 industrial and academic members and 200,000 employees.

Suburban farming

Agriculture is a significant industry in Eurométropole Metz, as almost half of the area is made up of farmed land. With its 20 communes of less than 1,000 residents, Eurométropole Metz agriculture is marked by polyculture-farming, like in the Moselle region, as well as smaller productions such as market gardening, arboriculture, viticulture (AOC Moselle Wines), and horticulture. Nowadays 170 farmers work in Eurométropole Metz, with expertise spanning across the whole sector, representing 2,000 employees and the presence of an agricultural testing space, an incubator for market gardening.


This industry, which accounts for nearly 7,600 employees, is particularly organised around large business parks or facility zones, such as Metz Port, France’s leading cereal river port. Twenty years after the opening of IKEA’s second French warehouse, the construction of a logistical Amazon factory has strengthened the logistics operations of the area.

Several other sectors also play a major role in the area: health (particularly healthcare equipment and the silver economy); renewable energies; as well as the car industry (specialist areas relying heavily on research into materials and processes carried out in Eurométropole Metz) and more traditional industries like local trade and crafts which largely contribute to the quality of life in the area, and its overall appeal.